Christian Health is committed to securing Protected Health Information (PHI). PHI is information that can identify you, is related to your health, is related to the care you received at Christian Health, or payment for care received at Christian Health. Release of PHI requires written authorization. If you would like medical records as they relate to a past stay at our facility, Health Information Management (HIM) staff will provide you with the necessary paperwork to authorize the release of your records. We will securely transfer your medical record to you, your doctor, or health insurer as quickly as possible.
Copies of medical records are available for:
Please allow 30 days to process requests for medical records.
Requests for all medical records, including progress notes, consent forms, registration forms, and more, can delay the request process and become costly. If you are requesting information for continuing patient care or an overview of care received, a request for pertinent records is probably sufficient.
A request for pertinent records includes provider reports, problem list, medications, immunizations and allergy lists, lab, X-ray, and other test results, if any, for the time period specified in the patient’s representative authorization.
To Submit a Request for Medical Records:
Print and complete the release form, and mail or email it to:
Christian HealthHIM office hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, except holidays.
Please contact Mary Hongrea at (201) 848-4489 or mhongrea@ChristianHealthNJ.org with questions or to begin the process of requesting medical records.