We welcome visitors to connect with their loved ones or tour our communities and services. All visitors must complete a health screening and temperature check upon arrival.
We are dedicated to the health and safety of everyone on our campuses, but we need your help to do so effectively. Here is how you can help ensure a healthy community.
Heritage Manor / Bolger Short-Term Rehab: 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Southgate Special Care: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Longview: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Ramapo Ridge Behavioral Health: Please call (201) 848-4248.
With exceptions, masking is optional for residents, patients, clients,
team members, visitors, and volunteers. Masking may still be required
when requested by a resident, patient, or client. Masking may also be
required of team members and visitors providing care for or visiting individuals
who are on isolation precautions or immunocompromised. Anyone may wear
a face covering on our campuses; we strongly encourage it!
We may reinstate mandatory masking at any time if community COVID-19 transmission
rates increase, the COVID status of the organization changes, or the guidance
from NJDOH or CDC changes. If you have questions about our masking guidelines,
please contact us at (201) 848-5200 or Info@ChristianHealthNJ.org or contact
your loved one's care team.