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10 Sustainable Healthy Eating Habits for 2024

10 Sustainable Healthy Eating Habits for 2024
With our New Year’s resolutions, many of us aim to adopt a healthier lifestyle – whether that means exercising more, nurturing our mental health, or eating better. However, as January rolls around, it can be easy and tempting to fall back into bad habits – especially if you try to achieve too many goals at once.

“When making changes for a healthier 2024, the most important thing is to have a plan,” said Carolyn McAdams, RDN, CSG, Clinical Nutrition Manager at Christian Health. “That could include making weekly menus, using a detailed shopping list, and eating meals at regularly scheduled times. You will be less likely to deviate if you know what is ahead for the day.”

The following are some simple changes to make to your meal routine that are easy to maintain yet will make a significant difference in your health for 2024!

  1. Stop late-night snacking – Eating well-balanced meals filled with nutrient-dense foods can help you feel fuller longer instead.
  2. Eat more veggies – Try new options or fresh, locally produced seasonal veggies to add variety to your meal plan.
  3. Drink more water – Drinking adequate water has countless benefits for your health, including boosting your metabolism, flushing out toxins, and helping you stay satiated so you snack less.
  4. Limit foods with excess added sugar and empty calories, such as soft drinks.
  5. Shop smarter – Making a focused weekly grocery list and meal plan will help you stick to healthier meals rather than opting for the convenience of takeout.
  6. Try more foods high in fatty acids – Add more foods to your plate that are high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and keep you full, such as salmon, avocados, and nut butter.
  7. Make breakfast ahead – Skip the drive-thru on your commute and prep healthy breakfasts for the workweek, such as frittata cups or overnight oats.
  8. Choose healthier dessert options – If you have a sweet tooth, eliminating dessert is setting yourself up for failure. Try baking your own healthy alternatives, using hacks such as swapping butter for avocado or applesauce for sugar.
  9. Do Meatless Monday – Eliminating meat one day a week can help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.
  10. Don’t deprive yourself – Many healthy-eating resolutions fail because we attempt to be too strict with what we eat. Make room in your meal routine for the not-so-healthy foods you love in moderation to ensure you continue with your healthier habits as well.